Welcome to Peak Forest CE Primary School. We welcome new pupils throughout the year. Please call us on 01298 22074 to arrange a visit.
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Peak Forest Church of EnglandVoluntary Controlled Primary School

Pupil Voice

Listening to the children's opinions and views is very important to us and we do it in a variety of ways. Our open, friendly approach means that all children feel they can raise an issue when they feel they have to. At other times, in assemblies, for example, we may discuss a change or improvement to the school day or routine that the children may like to make. We also have the more formal child questionnaire that we administer every year and then act upon its findings. We have had many discussions in class about whether or not Peak Forest Primary School needs a school council and the children currently all believe that they all have a voice so a council is not necessary. We revisit this topic regularly in case the situation changes. 

We believe that in order for the children to have ownership of some of our policies and rules, they have to be involved in their creation; please click below to see more. 

We have been doing a lot of work on internet safety in school. Have a look at some of the posters we have made. 
In PSHE, the junior children have been working on 'The Learning Pit' around resilience and growth mindset. They produced some fabulous work which they shared with their families in our termly Parents' Assembly. 